Traffic Control

[OHS General Regs., S. x] Follow these links
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When construction or maintenance activities change the normal operation conditions of a street or highway, temporary traffic control measures are necessary to make sure that the worker’s safety is protected. Because the work site is constantly changing, everyone must be aware of the latest conditions and how to remain safe. The Temporary Workplace Traffic Control Manual (15MB) as published by PEI Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy applies to all road, street construction and maintenance work. [OHS General Regs., S. 50.19]
Employer Duties
Employers must make sure that: [OHS General Regs., S. 50.2]
- an effective method of traffic control is provided whenever there is unregulated traffic movement that may be a hazard to workers;
- control devices are used before beginning operations, and these devices are removed when they are no longer required;
- when materials are piled along the side of an excavation or trench that might interfere with the flow of traffic, that the material is adequately illuminated by warning lights; [OHS General Regs., S. 12.12]
- when construction work interferes with the flow of traffic, warning signs are posted in both directions, not less than 225 m (738 ft) from the worksite, and at any intersection between the warning signs; [OHS General Regs., S. 12.12]
- signallers are provided when there is a danger to a worker from vehicle traffic; [OHS General Regs., S. 12.12]
- signallers are provided with reflectorized sign, and reflectorized vest or jacket when controlling traffic; [OHS General Regs., S. 12.12]
- warning signs and barricades are installed in a confined space where a hazard from any form of traffic exists; and[OHS General Regs., S. 13.6]
- any piles of material do not interfere with passageways or traffic lanes. [OHS General Regs., S. 43.4]
Employers must hire signallers when: [OHS General Regs., S. 50.3]
- construction work is being done in areas where workers may encounter vehicle traffic;
- the roadway is normally a two-way operation and the traffic is now restricted to one-way movement; and
- there is any activity or obstruction on the shoulder or portion of the roadway which does not allow for appropriate clearance.
Employers must also make sure that signallers: [OHS General Regs., S. 50.4]
- are competent persons over the age of sixteen years, who have been trained in, and demonstrated an adequate knowledge of traffic control and signalling procedures;
- have any training the Director may require;
- have a thorough knowledge of the regulations about traffic control;
- are in good physical and mental condition;
- have adequate eyesight and hearing to carry out their duties;
- hold a certificate of training, and be able to produce this proof of training at the request of an officer;
- are equipped with the protective equipment and clothing necessary to make sure the signaller remains safe, including any required safety footwear, hard hat, safety vest, eye protection and rain wear; [OHS General Regs., S. 50.6]
- do not use any head set receivers or other devices that may impair the signaller’s sight or hearing while performing signalling duties; [OHS General Regs., S. 50.8]
- are provided with a signaller’s sign that is octagonal (8 sided) in shape, and attached to a 1.7 metre (5 foot 7 inches) handle; [OHS General Regs., S. 50.9]
- are required to use reflectorized safety devices during hours of darkness or conditions of poor visibility; [OHS General Regs., S. 50.10]
- are provided with a flashlight fitted with a red signalling baton during hours of darkness; [OHS General Regs., S. 50.11]
- maintain contact by radio or by using additional signallers when the end of a one-lane section of roadway is not visible from the other end; and[OHS General Regs., S. 50.14]
- do not leave their point of duty until they are relieved. [OHS General Regs., S. 50.16]
If a worker uses a person who does not have these qualifications, it will be determined to be the same as if the employer did not use a signaller. [OHS General Regs., S. 50.5]
Positioning of the Signaller
Employers must make sure that "signaller ahead" signs are posted ahead of each signaller's position. When the operation is over, the signs must be removed promptly. [OHS General Regs., S. 50.17]
Employers must make sure that signallers are located in a position that provides both visibility and reaction time for oncoming motorists, as well as a safe distance away from the work area. These distances are listed in the tables below:
Sight distance (for oncoming motorists) [OHS General Regs., S. 50.12]
Maximum Speed (km/hr) |
Sight Distance (m) |
90 | 180 |
80 | 150 |
70 | 120 |
60 | 90 |
50 | 70 |
40 or less | 50 |
Distance from Work Area [OHS General Regs., S. 50.13]
Maximum Speed (km/hr) |
Distance from Work Area (m) |
90 | 110 |
80 | 80 |
70 | 60 |
60 | 40 |
50 | 30 |
40 or less | 20 |

Approved Modes of Signalling
The following methods must be used by the signaller: [OHS General Regs., S. 50.15]
- To stop traffic: The signaller must stand facing traffic. He/She must extend their right arm horizontally (away from their body holding the sign to their side), and the sign must be held perpendicular to the road in a stationary position. The “STOP” side must face approaching drivers. The left hand must be held with the palm up, stationary, and facing drivers.
- To slow traffic: The signaller must stand facing traffic. He/She must extend their right arm horizontally (away from their body holding the sign to their side), and the sign must be held perpendicular to the road in a stationary position. The “MAXIMUM 40” or “SLOW” side must fact approaching drivers. The left hand must at the signaller's side.
- To release traffic: The signaller must stand parallel to the traffic movement. He/She must extend their right arm horizontally (away from their body holding the sign to their side), and the sign must be held perpendicular to the road in a stationary position. The “MAXIMUM 40” or “SLOW” side must face approaching drivers. The left arm must make a forward motion.
Signallers must comply with all of the items in the regulation (as above). [OHS General Regs., S. 50.18] Signallers must not use any head set receivers or other devices that may impair their hearing or sight while signalling. [OHS General Regs., S. 50.8]
General Regulations
Section 12.12 Illumination of materials
12.12 (1) When materials piled along the sides of any excavation or trench interfere with the flow of traffic, the employer shall ensure that the material is adequately illuminated by warning lights.
(2) When construction work is being carried out which interferes with the flow of traffic, the employer shall ensure that adequate warning signs are posted in both directions not less than 225 m (738 ft.) from the worksite, and at any intersection between the warning signs.
(3) When construction work is being carried out in areas where worker safety is endangered by vehicle traffic, the employer shall provide trained signallers to control the flow of traffic.
(4) The employer shall provide and all signallers shall wear a reflectorized vest or jacket when controlling the flow of traffic.
(5) The employer shall provide and all signallers shall use reflectorized paddles to control the flow of traffic.
[EC2021-126, s. 3]
Section 13.6 Signs
13.6 The employer shall ensure that warning signs and barricades are installed to protect workers in a confined space where a hazard from any form of traffic exists.
[EC2021-126, s. 3]
Section 43.4 Piling of materials
43.4 (1) The employer shall ensure that material shall be so piled that the piles will not interfere with
(a) the adequate distribution of natural or artificial light;
(b) the proper operation of machines or other equipment;
(c) the unobstructed use of passageways or traffic lanes.
(2) Material piles shall be placed on firm foundations not liable to settle and shall be subject to weight control, as required by the Division, so as not to overload the floors.
(3) Material shall not be piled against partitions or walls of buildings when it is known that the partition or wall is not of sufficient strength to withstand the pressure.
(4) Material shall not be piled to a height which would render the pile unstable.
(5) When piling heavy bagged material
(a) the mouths of the bags shall be placed inwards;
(b) bags shall be cross-tied; and
(c) a step back of one bag shall be made at the first 1 500 mm (5 ft.) level and at each additional 900 mm (3 ft.) of height.
Section 50.2 Employer responsibilities
50.2 The employer shall ensure
(a) that effective means of traffic control are provided whenever the unregulated movement of vehicular traffic constitutes a hazard to workers;
(b) that control devices are put into operation prior to the commencement of operations and shall be removed when the need for such protection has terminated.
[EC225/91, s. 1; EC2021-126, s. 3]
Section 50.3 Employer responsibilities
50.3 The employer shall ensure signallers are employed
(a) when construction work is being carried out in areas where worker safety is endangered by vehicle traffic;
(b) where the roadway is normally a two-way operation and traffic is restricted to one-way traffic movement;
(c) where any activity or obstruction exists on the shoulder or a portion of the roadway, which does not allow for the following clearances:
(i) 3 m per traffic lane for speeds up to 50 km/hr.,
(ii) 3.5 m per traffic lane for speeds over 50 km/hr.
[EC225/91, s. 1; EC2021-126, s. 3]
Section 50.4 Qualifications
50.4 The employer shall ensure that signallers
(a) are competent persons over the age of sixteen years who have been trained in, and have demonstrated an adequate knowledge of traffic control and signalling procedures;
(b) have such training as the Director may require;
(c) have a thorough knowledge of the regulations contained in this Part;
(d) are in good physical and mental condition;
(e) have adequate eyesight and hearing to carry out their duties;
(f) hold a certificate of training and shall produce proof of training at the request of an officer.
[EC225/91, s. 1]
Section 50.5 Use of worker as signaller
50.5 The use of a worker as a signaller if the worker does not possess the qualifications specified in Section 50.4 shall be deemed to constitute failure to use a signaller.
[EC225/91, s. 1; EC2021-126, s. 3]
Section 50.6 Equipment
50.6 The employer shall ensure that a signaller is equipped with such protective health and safety equipment and clothing as is required to ensure the health and safety of the signaller at the signaller's workplace, including any required safety footwear, hard hat, safety vest, eye protection and rain wear.
[EC225/91, s. 1]
Section 50.8 Head set receivers
50.8 (1) The employer shall ensure that signallers do not use head set receivers or other devices which may impair sight or hearing while signalling.
(2) A signaller shall not use head set receivers or other devices which may impair sight or hearing while signalling.
[EC225/91, s. 1]
Section 50.9 Sign
50.9 The employer shall provide signallers with a signaller's sign, octagonal in shape and mounted on a 1.7 m handle.
[EC225/91, s. 1]
Section 50.10 Reflectors
50.10 The employer shall ensure that, when signalling operations are required during the hours of darkness or conditions of poor visibility, all safety devices shall be reflectorized.
[EC225/91, s. 1]
Section 50.11 Flashlight
50.11 The employer shall, during the hours of darkness provide the signaller with a flashlight fitted with a red signalling baton.
[EC225/91, s. 1]
Section 50.12 Visibility
50.12 The employer shall ensure that a signaller is located in a position providing adequate visibility and reaction time for the motorist. The distances are as set out in the following table:
Maximum Speed - km/hr | Sight Distance - (m) |
90 | 180 |
80 | 150 |
70 | 120 |
60 | 90 |
50 | 70 |
40 or less | 50 |
[EC225/91, s. 1]
Section 50.13 Distance
50.13 The employer shall ensure that a signaller stands far enough from the work areas. The required distances are as set out in the following table:
Maximum Speed - km/hr | Distance from Work Area - (m) |
90 | 110 |
80 | 80 |
70 | 60 |
60 | 40 |
50 | 30 |
40 or less | 20 |
[EC225/91, s. 1]
Section 50.14 Radio contact
50.14 The employer shall ensure when the end of a one-lane section of roadway is not visible from the other end, the signaller shall maintain contact by means of radio or additional signallers.
[EC225/91, s. 1]
Section 50.15 Approved modes of signalling
50.15 The following are the approved modes of signalling:
(a) to stop traffic - The signaller shall stand facing traffic. The right arm shall be extended horizontally away from the body and the signaller's sign shall be held perpendicular to the roadway in a stationary position, with the "STOP" side of the sign facing approaching drivers. The left hand shall be held with the palm up, in a stationary position and facing approaching drivers;
(b) to slow traffic - The signaller shall stand facing traffic. The right arm shall be extended horizontally away from the body and the signaller's sign shall be held perpendicular to the roadway in a stationary position, with the "MAXIMUM 40" or "SLOW" side of the sign facing approaching drivers. The left arm shall be held stationary at the signaller's side;
(c) to release traffic - The signaller shall stand parallel to the traffic movement. The right arm shall be extended horizontally away from the body and the signaller's sign shall be held perpendicular to the roadway in a stationary position, with the "MAXIMUM 40" or "SLOW" side of the sign facing approaching drivers. A forward motion shall be made with the left arm.
[EC225/91, s. 1]
Section 50.16 Continuous duty
50.16 The employer shall ensure that signallers do not depart from their point of duty until relieved.
[EC225/91, s. 1]
Section 50.17 Signs posted
50.17 The employer shall ensure that "Signaller Ahead" signs shall be posted in advance of each signaller's station. Such signs shall be removed promptly when the signalling operation terminates.
[EC225/91, s. 1]
Section 50.18 Compliance
50.18 (1) The employer shall ensure that all regulations in this Part are complied with.
(2) A signaller shall comply with all regulations in this Part.
[EC225/91, s. 1]
Section 50.19 Authority
50.19 These regulations and the Traffic Control Procedures for Roadwork Manual and any subsequent amendments as published by the P.E.I. Department of Transportation and Public Works shall govern all road, street construction and maintenance work.
[EC225/91, s. 1]