
[OHS General Regs., S. x] Follow these links
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It is essential to follow safety procedures when operating a hoisting apparatus. The hoists, and hoisting apparatus, must be capable of lifting the recommended loads. In addition, operators must have a clear view of the load being moved or require a designated signaller’s assistance to prevent unsafe conditions.
Examples of hoists include an automotive lift, a mobile crane, a tower crane, an electric overhead travelling crane, a winch, a block, and other similar apparatus but does not include an elevator or a dumbwaiter.
Employer duties
Employers must:
- Make sure that the hoisting apparatus is strong enough and has all suitable ropes, chains, slings, hooks, and other fittings. [OHS General Regs., S. 34.2(1)]
- Make sure that the hoisting apparatus is designed, installed, erected, examined, inspected, operated, and maintained according to the following standards: [OHS General Regs., S. 34.2(2)]
- CSA Standards:
- B167-16 Overhead Cranes, Gentry Cranes, Monorails, Hoists, and Jib Cranes;
- C22.2 No.33-19 Electrical Safety Requirements for Cranes and Hoists;
- Z150-20 Safety Code on Mobile Cranes;
- Z248-17 Code for Tower Cranes;
- Z150.3-17 Safety Code on Articulating Boom Cranesem>; and
- ANSI/ALI ALOIM Standard for Automotive Lifts – Safety Requirements for Operation, Inspection and Maintenance.
- Get a statement that states the safe load-carrying capacity of the hoisting apparatus from the manufacturer or an engineer, and post it legibly on the apparatus where it is visible to the operator when in the operating position. [OHS General Regs., S. 34.3(1) and (2)]
- Make sure that the operator has enough information to determine the load that the apparatus can hoist safely in any operating condition. [OHS General Regs., S. 34.3(3)]
- Get a revised safe load carrying capacity statement from an engineer for any modified, extended, altered, or repaired boom, counterweight, or another principal part of the hoisting apparatus. [OHS General Regs., S. 34.3(4)]
- Make sure that the hoisting apparatus does not lift a load that is beyond its safe load-carrying capacity. [OHS General Regs., S. 34.4(1)]
- Make sure that the hoisting apparatus is maintained in good condition. [OHS General Regs., S. 34.5(1)]
- Designate a competent person to thoroughly inspect and test hoisting apparatus, including safety devices: [OHS General Regs., S. 34.5(2)]
- before its first use;
- once a month; and
- after any incident likely to have damaged some part of the apparatus.
- Make sure that a log book recording the inspections and repairs is maintained and is available to an officer upon request. [OHS General Regs., S. 34.5(3)]
- Make sure barriers are installed to prevent workers from entering the area where mobile cranes are working when the swing clearance is less than 600 mm (2 ft.). [OHS General Regs., S. 34.6(2)]
- Make sure that a tag line or guide rope controls loads that may swing while being moved. [OHS General Regs., S. 34.6(4)]
- Make sure the designated signaller: [OHS General Regs., S. 34.7(2)]
- is identifiable;
- directs the movements of a load by using a well understood distinctive code of signals or an effective communication system;
- gets help from another competent signaller when both the signaller and the operator cannot view part of the load;
- makes sure that all ropes, chains, slings, or other attachments are correctly applied to the load and secured to the hooks of the hoisting apparatus; and
- makes sure that the area is clear before signalling to move the load.
- Make sure no person: [OHS General Regs., S. 34.8]
- stands or moves under any suspended load;
- rides on a block, hook, or weight suspended from a hoisting apparatus; and
- rides on loads being moved by hoisting apparatus.
- Make sure that a mobile crane: [OHS General Regs., S. 34.9]
- has a cab, screen, canopy guard, or other adequate protection for the operator if they might be exposed to falling material;
- is equipped with brakes capable of effectively braking a weight of at least 1 1/2 times the maximum safe working load;
- has safety devices and limit switches installed and used as according to the manufacturer specifications; and
- has a boom angle indicator (when the apparatus has a boom).
- Make sure that rubber-tired mobile cranes are equipped with stabilizers and when stablizers are fully extended, they are on pads large enough to prevent movement. [OHS General Regs., S. 34.10]
- Make sure when a crane is moving from one location to another under its own power: [OHS General Regs., S. 34.11]
- that necessary precautions are taken to prevent the boom from swinging; and
- designate a signaller to guide the movement of the crane.
- Not use building materials as counterweights for any hoisting apparatus. [OHS General Regs., S. 34.12]
- Make sure that workers and materials are not transported on the same hoist at the same time. [OHS General Regs., S. 35.2]
- Follow the CSA Standard Z185-M87 Safety Code for Personnel Hoists when using a worker’s hoist to raise or lower workers or materials in a stationary hoistway. [OHS General Regs., S. 35.1] [OHS General Regs., S. 35.3]
- Follow the CSA Standard Association Z256-M87 Safety Code for Material Hoists (as amended) when using a material hoist to raise or lower materials only, with a load-carrying unit that is within fixed guides and includes a concrete hopper guided by its own hoisting ropes. [OHS General Regs., S. 35.4] [OHS General Regs., S. 35.5]
Hoist Operators
Operators of the hoisting apparatus must:
- Not operate the hoisting apparatus beyond its safe load-carrying capacity. [OHS General Regs., S. 34.4(2)]
- Follow safe operating procedures, including to: [OHS General Regs., S. 34.6(1)] [OHS General Regs., S. 34.7(1)] [OHS General Regs., S. 34.6(3)]
- visually inspect the hoisting apparatus before use to verify that it is in safe working order;
- move a load only when signalled from a designated signaller, unless the operator always has an unobstructed view;
- take precautions when raising a load vertically or, if necessary to raise a load in an indirect way, to avoid harming workers;
- not carry a load over workers; and
- not leave a suspended load unattended.
Worker’s duties
Workers must:
- Not ride on a block, hook, or weight suspended from a hoisting apparatus. [OHS General Regs., S. 34.8(4)]
- Report any unsafe condition to the supervisor or employer.
General Regulations
Section 34.2 Construction
34.2 (1) The employer shall ensure that hoisting apparatus is constructed of sufficient strength and equipped with suitable ropes, chains, slings, hooks and other fittings so as to adequately ensure the safety of persons.
(2) The employer shall ensure that hoisting apparatus provided by an employer for the use of a worker is designed, installed, erected, examined, inspected, operated and maintained in accordance with the applicable provisions of the following standards:
(a) CSA Standards:
(i) B167-16, Overhead Cranes, Gentry Cranes, Monorails, Hoists, and Jib Cranes ,
(ii) C22.2 No.33-19, Electrical Safety Requirements for Cranes and Hoists ,
(iii) Z150-20, Safety Code on Mobile Cranes ,
(iv) Z248-17, Code for Tower Cranes ,
(v) Z150.3-17, Safety Code on Articulating Boom Cranes ;
(b) ANSI/ALI ALOIM Standard for Automotive Lifts - Safety Requirements for Operation, Inspection and Maintenance.
(3) The Minister may
(a) establish classifications for operators of hoisting apparatus and define the scope of work and duties that may be performed by persons in each class;
(b) establish a Board of Examiners to examine candidates for the various classifications;
(c) issue certificates of qualification to operators of hoisting apparatus who have passed an examination, who are holders of an equivalent certification from another jurisdiction, or who are otherwise judged by the Board of Examiners to be competent; and
(d) determine fees that are to be paid for examinations and certificates of qualification.
[EC339/93, s. 1; EC2006-43, s. 4; EC2021-126, s. 30]
Section 34.3 Carrying capacity
34.3 (1) The employer shall obtain from the manufacturer, or if unobtainable from the manufacturer from an engineer, a statement of the safe load carrying capacity of hoisting apparatus.
(2) The employer shall ensure that the safe load carrying capacity obtained under subsection (1) is posted legibly on hoisting apparatus where the operator is able to see it when he is in his operating position.
(3) The employer shall ensure that the operator of hoisting apparatus has sufficient information to enable the operator to determine the load that the hoisting apparatus is capable of hoisting safely under any operating condition.
(4) When the boom, counterweight or another principal part of hoisting apparatus is modified, extended, altered or repaired so as to affect the load carrying capacity, the employer shall obtain a statement of revised safe load carrying capacity from an engineer.
Section 34.4 Excess load
34.4 (1) The employer shall ensure that hoisting apparatus is not subjected to a load in excess of its safe load carrying capacity.
(2) The operator shall not subject hoisting apparatus to a load in excess of its safe load carrying capacity.
Section 34.5 Maintenance
34.5 (1) The employer shall ensure that hoisting apparatus is maintained in good condition.
(2) The employer shall designate a competent person to thoroughly inspect and test hoisting apparatus including safety devices
(a) before it is first put into use;
(b) once a month;
(c) after any happening involving the hoisting apparatus which could have damaged some part of the apparatus.
(3) The employer shall ensure that a log book recording inspections and repairs is maintained and made available to an officer on request.
Section 34.6 Responsibilities of employer
34.6 (1) The employer shall ensure that the operator of hoisting apparatus follows the procedures prescribed in subsection (3).
(2) The employer shall ensure that when mobile cranes are working in an area where the swing clearance of an obstruction is less than 600 mm (2 ft.), adequate barriers are installed to prevent workers from entering the area.
(3) The operator of hoisting apparatus shall
(a) visually inspect the hoisting apparatus before use to verify that it is in safe working order;
(b) move a load only on a signal from a signaller designated under section 34.7 unless he has an unobstructed view of the load at all times during the operation;
(c) raise a load vertically or, if necessary to raise a load obliquely, take precautions to avoid endangering workers;
(d) avoid carrying a load over workers;
(e) not leave a suspended load unattended.
(4) The employer shall ensure that a tag line or guide rope is used to control loads which may swing while being moved.
[EC2021-126, s. 3]
Section 34.7 Signals
34.7 (1) The employer shall ensure that the operator of a hoisting apparatus moves a load only on a signal from a signaller designated under this section.
(2) The signaller designated under subsection (1) shall
(a) be identifiable;
(b) govern the movements of a load by a well understood distinctive code of signals or an effective communication system;
(c) obtain the assistance of another competent signaller if part of the view of the load is obstructed from both the signaller and the operator;
(d) ensure that all ropes, chains, slings or other attachments are properly applied to the load and secured to the hooks of the hoisting apparatus and that the area is clear before signalling to move the load.
Section 34.8 Riding on load
34.8 (1) No person shall ride on loads being moved by hoisting apparatus.
(2) No person shall stand or move under any suspended load.
(3) The employer shall not permit workers to ride on the block, hook or weight suspended from a hoisting apparatus.
(4) Workers shall not ride on a block, hook or weight suspended from a hoisting apparatus.
[EC2021-126, s. 3]
Section 34.9 Mobile cranes
34.9 The employer shall ensure that a mobile crane
(a) has a cab, screen, canopy guard or other adequate protection for the operator where he may be exposed to the hazard of falling material;
(b) is equipped with brakes capable of effectively braking a weight of not less than 1 1/2 times the maximum safe working load;
(c) has safety devices and limit switches installed and used as specified by the manufacturer;
(d) has, on apparatus equipped with a boom, a boom angle indicator.
Section 34.10 Stabilizers
34.10 The employer shall ensure that
(a) rubber tired mobile cranes are equipped with stabilizers;
(b) when equipment with stabilizers is in use, the stabilizers are fully extended on pads of sufficient size to prevent movement.
Section 34.11 Change of location
34.11 When a crane is moving from one location to another under its own power, the employer shall
(a) ensure that precautions are taken to prevent the boom from swinging; and
(b) designate a signaller to guide the movement of the crane.
Section 34.12 Use of building materials
34.12 The employer shall ensure that building materials shall not be used as counterweights for any hoisting apparatus.
Part 35 HOISTS
Section 35.1 Workers' hoist
35.1 In this Part "workers' hoist" means a hoist for raising or lowering workers or materials in a stationary hoistway.
[EC2021-126, s. 3]
Section 35.2 Prohibition
35.2 The employer shall ensure that workers and materials shall not be transported on the same hoist at the same time.
[EC2021-126, s. 3]
Section 35.3 Standards
35.3 The CSA Standard Z185-M87, Safety Code for Personnel Hoists is adopted and constituted as the regulations that shall be referred to by the Director and officers in carrying out their duties under these regulations.
[EC2021-126, s. 31]
Section 35.4 Material hoist
35.4 In this Part "material hoist" means a hoist for raising or lowering materials only, with a load carrying unit within fixed guides and includes a concrete hopper that is guided by its own hoisting ropes.
Section 35.5 Standards
35.5 The CSA Standard Association Z256-M87 Safety Code for Material Hoists and subsequent amendments is adopted and constituted as the regulations that shall be referred to by the Director and officers in carrying out their duties under these regulations.
[EC2021-126, s. 31]