Power Operated Elevating Work Platforms

[OHS General Regs., S. x] Follow these links
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Power operated elevating work platforms can be elevated and lowered by mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, or other powered mechanisms. Examples of these platforms include scissor lifts and zoom booms. These platforms can also be distinguished between those that are used on paved or slab surfaces and those used as “off-slab” units. Power operated elevating work platforms may present hazards when they are not set up, used, maintained, and inspected according to safety standards and manufacturer specifications.
Employer duties
Employers must ensure platform operators have the knowledge and training and carry out their tasks safely, including the emergency procedures to follow in the event of an incident. Employers must also establish an appropriate fall protection system for working on the platform and make sure all workers on the platform are trained to use applicable fall protection equipment. Platform operators should look in the direction of travel and be aware of obstructions that may cause the platform to overturn or to collide with people, cables, power lines, vehicles, etc.
When planning for platform work, check the job site’s surface condition and identify any overhead obstructions and electrical wires. Make sure ropes, electrical cords, and hoses will not be entangled or pinched in the platform’s elevating mechanism. When using the platforms, it is important to lock the wheels and use outriggers with adequate sole plates, and make sure not to overload the platform.
Power operated elevating work platform must have: [Scaffolding Regs., S. 19]
- A competent operator
- An emergency stop button
- Positive pressure controls for the positioning of the work platform
- A power elevating mechanism equipped with positive drives for both raising and lowering the work platform
- An interlock device that limits lateral movement when the height of the work platform exceeds that specified by the manufacturer
- An elevating mechanism that locks the work platform in the elevated position during a failure
- A way for the platform’s operator and the worker on it to communicate directly
- On the platform, there must be copies of:
- The operator's manual
- Applicable operational limitations and requirements, including those relating to the use of outriggers, stabilizers, and extendable axles
- The specific surface conditions required for safe use in the elevated position
- The manufacturer’s warnings
- The name and number of the relevant CSA Standard, and
- The name and address of the owner of the work platform
- Posted at the controls of the work platform, its rated capacity and the direction of the machine movement for each operating control of the work platform (except for a boom-type elevating work platform)
Equipment owners and employers providing a power operated elevating work platform must make sure it meets specified CSA standards and has been maintained according to the standard’s requirements. [Scaffolding Regs., S. 19(4)]
Workers operating a power operated elevating work platform must be given received oral or written instructions on how to safely operate the provided work platform or be adequately trained to operate it. [Scaffolding Regs., S. 19(9)] Required training by a competent person must include instruction on:
- The manufacturer's specifications,
- All relevant load limitations, and
- The kind of surfaces on which the power operated elevating work platform are designed to be used.
Training must also include a hands-on demonstration showing the proper way to use all the platform’s controls. The employer should maintain all documentation that proves operator competency.
The power operated elevating work platform’s owner must keep a permanent record of all inspections, tests, repairs, modifications, and maintenance performed on it. The records must include the name and signature of the person who performed the inspection, test, repair, modification, or maintenance.
Further requirements
Further requirements include:
- When working on or moving a power operated elevating work platform use a fall arrest system that complies with the Fall Protection Regulations. [Scaffolding Regs., S. 19(12)]
- Remove workers from a failing power operated elevating work platform before it is lowered, or any repairs are made. [Scaffolding Regs., S. 19(2)]
- Do not load a platform over its rated capacity.
- Do not load the platform in a way that it could become unstable or create a hazardous situation.
- Make sure a power operated elevating work platform is on a firm, level surface, unless the manufacturer specifies other surfaces on which it is able to be used.
Follow all of the manufacturer's specifications of power operated elevating work platform.
Specified CSA Standards
These standards are:Scaffolding Regulations
Section 19 Power operated elevating work platform
19. (1) An employer who provides a power operated elevating work platform for the use of a worker shall ensure that the work platform is equipped with
(a) positive pressure controls for the positioning of the work platform;
(b) a power elevating mechanism equipped with positive drives for both raising and lowering the work platform;
(c) an interlock device that limits lateral movement when the height of the work platform exceeds that specified by the manufacturer; and
(d) an elevating mechanism that, upon failure, locks the work platform in the elevated position.
(2) Where an elevating mechanism referred to in clause (1)(b) of a power operated elevating work platform fails while a worker is working on the work platform, the employer who provided the work platform for the use of the worker shall ensure that the worker is removed from the work platform before
(a) the work platform is lowered; or
(b) repairs are made to the elevating mechanism.
(3) Where the operator of a power operated elevating work platform is not the worker being raised on the work platform, the employer who provided the work platform for the use of the worker shall ensure that there is an effective and direct means of communication between the operator and the worker.
(4) The owner of a power operated elevating work platform, and an employer who provides a power operated elevating work platform for the use of a worker, shall ensure that the power operated elevating work platform is designed, constructed, erected, maintained, inspected, monitored and used in accordance with the following CSA Standards, as applicable:
(a) B354.1-04 , "Portable Elevating Work Platforms";
(b) B354.2-01 , "Self Propelled Elevating Work Platforms";
(c) B354.4-02 , "Self-propelled Boom-supported Elevating Work Platforms";
(d) Z271-10 , "Safety Code for Suspended Elevating Platforms";
(e) C225-10 , "Vehicle-Mounted Aerial Device".
(5) An employer who provides a power operated elevating work platform for the use of a worker shall ensure that
(a) the worker is competent to operate the platform or that the platform is operated by another worker who is competent to do so; and
(b) the worker operating the platform has available on the work platform
(i) a legible operator's manual, and
(ii) information on
(A) all of the applicable operational limitations and requirements, including those relating to the use of outriggers, stabilizers and extendable axles,
(B) the specific surface conditions required for safe use in the elevated position,
(C) such warnings as may be specified by the manufacturer;
(D) the name and number of the CSA Standard to which the power operated elevating work platform was designed, and
(E) the name and address of the owner of the work platform.
(6) An employer who provides a power operated elevating work platform for the use of a worker shall ensure that information on
(a) the rated capacity of the work platform; and
(b) other than for a boom-type elevating work platform, the direction of the machine movement for each operating control of the work platform, is securely posted at the controls of the work platform.
(7) The owner of a power operated elevating work platform shall keep a permanent record of all inspections, tests, repairs, modifications and maintenance performed on it.
(8) The record required under subsection (7) shall include the name and signature of the person who performed the inspection, test, repair, modification or maintenance.
(9) An employer who provides a power operated elevating work platform for the use of a worker shall ensure that the worker who operates the work platform has, before using it for the first time,
(a) received oral or written instruction on the safe operation of the particular work platform; or
(b) otherwise been adequately trained to operate the work platform.
(10) An employer shall ensure that the instruction and training required by a worker under subsection (9) is provided by a competent person and includes
(a) instruction
(i) on the manufacturer's specifications,
(ii) on applicable load limitations,
(iii) on the kind of surfaces on which the power operated elevating work platform are designed to be used; and
(b) a hands on demonstration of the proper use of all controls.
(11) An employer who provides a power operated elevating work platform for the use of a worker shall ensure that the work platform
(a) is not loaded in excess of its rated capacity;
(b) is used on a firm, level surface unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer;
(c) is used only in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications;
(d) is not loaded and used in such a manner as to create an unstable condition or cause a hazard;
(e) is not moved vertically or horizontally unless every worker on the scaffold, while it is being moved, is protected against falling by a fall arrest system that complies with the Fall Protection Regulations (EC633/04); and
(f) is equipped with an emergency stop button.
(12) An employer of a worker who uses a power operated elevating work platform shall ensure that the worker is protected against falling by a fall arrest system that complies with the Fall Protection Regulations (EC633/04).
[EC2017-605, s. 2]